Seniors EOY Challenge 2020

The Seniors EOY Challenge was successfully concluded with the finals of both the Ladies Singles and the Mens A/B Doubles being carried over to Monday Dec 14.

The Winners of our Seniors EOY Challenge 2020 are:

Mens Singles A
Champion: Sonny Ching Runners-up: Percy Wong

Mens Singles B
Champion: Yip Khuen Whye Runners-up: Ivan Lui

Ladies Singles
Champion: Joanna Seo Runners-up: Alena Fallon

Mens Doubles A/B
Champion: Sunny Ko/Ben Shi
Runners=up: Harry Theoharous/Spencer Lam

Ladies Doubles
Champion: Esther Lam/Kerrie Daynes
Joint Runners-up: Laurie Chow/Margaret Perrett and
Barbara Clarke/Sue Wright

Mix Doubles
Champion: Francis/Joanna Seo
Joint Runners-up: Clark Chui/Viyada Gow and 
John Robertson/Kathryn

Congratulations to the winners

View more photos in slideshow

Bravo to all of you for making this a happy, enjoyable and memorable occasion.

Seniors “EOY Challenge” Monday 7 Dec 2020.
( Covid 19 Safety Rules continue to apply)

As in previous years we will again organize our now annual Challenge for Seniors and other Retirees on the last official Monday morning of our season to properly say farewell to 2020.

Entries will be accepted in the following categories: Ladies singles, Male singles A and B, Ladies doubles, Male doubles A+B combined and Mixed doubles. The normal $5 playing fee applies.          

Trophies and a surprise will be presented to each singles winner and runner up, as well as the winners in the doubles.

Starting from 10 am exactly, play will continue to 1.30 pm, which will be followed by the trophy presentation and our get together in the room upstairs till about 2.30 pm.                                            

As previously, the good old Aussie tradition of bringing a small plate and /or a couple of drinks     (Non Alcoholic) would help to create an enjoyable function.

Please note that because of time restraints some special rules apply:

1 Players can only enter in 1 singles and 1 doubles event.
2 Matches are “Best of 3”. If a player wins the first 2 sets, the 3rd set is not to be played.
3 Pools will be of 3 players and the winner goes on to the knock out rounds.
4 Non playing players in the pools are requested to act as umpires.
5 The organising committee will have the final decision on A and B qualifications and grading.
6 In the Ladies and Male doubles A+B combined and Mixed doubles, 2 A graded players forming a team is not allowed.
7 A graded players are subject to a 4 point singles and 3 points doubles handicap for each division their opponent’s level of play is graded, eg: a div’n 2 player playing a div’n 4 player in singles is handicapped at -8 in singles and -6 in doubles. Ratings Central Points apply where applicable to decide the divisional qualification. Previous winners in the Mens B grade and Ladies singles are graded div.5 and move to the A grade classification where they get a favourable handicap.
We have provided entry lists on the desk for the various categories mentioned above and you can enter your name if you like to participate, once you have worked out which singles event and/or which partner you want to play with in one of the doubles.   

I look forward to your participation.

Kind regards, Theo.

PS 1: No Table Tennis Wednesday 25 November, due to a fully booked Brickpit for school Basketball.

PS 2: Our regular last Monday morning for 2020 is 7 Dec. and the last Wednesday morning is 9 Dec.

Our last Friday night is 4 Dec and our 2020 Suns Club Championship will be held on Sunday 29 Nov, all day and if you like to enter, entry forms are available from the desk and website. Competition and Rating Central rules apply as well as entry fees per division entered.

Official starting dates for 2021 are as follows: Friday nights: 5 Feb., Monday mornings: 18 January  and Wednesday mornings: 20 January.


Fun Challenge 2024

Fun Challenge plus Lunch
Monday 16 Dec 2024


Our playing sessions on:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
9:30am to 12:30pm

and Friday Nights too,
7:30pm to 10:30pm

Handicap Contest
is held every Friday morning
(closed until further notice)

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2024 SUNS
Open Championships

Saturday 23 March 2024