SNDTTA 2020 Season

A total of 5 teams would represent our club, SUNS.
The Captains are first person in the team sheet.

Name of Div 1 Team: SUNS A
Edmond Chiu, Manson Cheng, Chris Zhou, Garek Chung and Andy Truong
How this team is doing?

Name of Div 2 Team: SUNS B
Zareer Reporter, Navindu Nanda, Percy Wong, MingXin Yang and Vahistad Patel
How this team is doing?

Name of Div 3 Team: SUNS C
Jeff Canning, Emily Carpenter, John Foeng, Derek Morell and Tony Lee
How this team is doing?

Name of Div 4 Team: SUNS D
Leong Tho, Aria Sangsari, Alena Fallon, Cheng Peng and Peter Shao
How this team is doing?

Name of Div 5 Team: SUNS E
Viyada Gow, Joanna Seo, Robert Hales, Varuna Wijetange and Francis Seo
How this team is doing?

Due to the coronavirus situation all competitions have been suspended until further notice.

Fun Challenge 2024

Fun Challenge plus Lunch
Monday 16 Dec 2024


Our playing sessions on:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
9:30am to 12:30pm

and Friday Nights too,
7:30pm to 10:30pm

Handicap Contest
is held every Friday morning
(closed until further notice)

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2024 SUNS
Open Championships

Saturday 23 March 2024